NATIONAL NUTRITION WEEK 2019 runs from the 13-19th of October and is all about how to try for five serves of veg each day by embracing your food ‘waste’! We all know veggies are good for us yet only 4% of Australians eat their recommended five serves of veg a day!!! Eating a healthy and balanced diet which is high in vegetables can help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes and even depression.
Did you know that in Australia we throw a lot of good food away? Its estimated that wasted food makes up more than 30% of the contents of the average household bin. That’s nearly $4000 worth of food per household per year that can end up in landfill, where it breaks down and emits harmful greenhouse gases.
Here’s how you can try for five serves of veg a day, while helping to save money and the environment, by embracing your veg ‘waste’:
- Eat more parts of your vegetables such as skins, stalks and leaves
- Use up your ageing vegetables that would otherwise go in the bin
- Choose ‘ugly’ and ‘imperfect’ vegetables to prevent them from going to landfill.They’re just as nutritious, and often cheaper.
Here’s how you can boost your vegetable intake and aim for your minimum daily 5 serves ( 1 serve = 1 cup salad, ½ cup cooked vegetables, ½ cup cooked beans, peas, lentils, 1 medium tomato, ½ cooked potato or sweet potato)
- Adding mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, capsicum, onion and asparagus to omelettes
- Snacking on your favourite dip with freshly cut vegetables
- Adding fresh or frozen fruit to your breakfast smoothie, porridge, muesli or cereal
- Add tinned chickpeas, lentils or beans to your bolognese or taco mince
- Replace lasagna sheets with sliced vegetables such as sweet potato, zucchini and eggplant
- Add beetroot, tomato, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, or leftover roast vegetables to your sandwiches or wraps
- Add peas, tinned tomatoes, baby spinach, kidney beans, grated carrots and zucchini to your sauces
- Snack on fresh fruit between meals
More information
Activate Foods
Shop 2 / 222 The Entrance Rd, Erina NSW 2250